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How to do EFT

You can do EFT, or tapping, whenever you feel upset. You may find that it helps you feel better.

To do EFT, follow these steps.

  1. Think of an issue that's bothering you.

    This could be any issue. For example, it could be something you're feeling anxious or sad about.

  2. Measure how your issue makes you feel.

    Rate how bad you feel on a scale from 0 to 10. A score of 0 means you don't feel bad at all. But a score of 10 means you feel as bad as possible. Write down this number.

  3. Create a statement that describes your issue, followed by a statement of self-acceptance.

    For example, you could say, "Even though I feel anxious about work tomorrow, I deeply and completely accept myself." Or you could say, "Even though my partner broke up with me, I deeply and completely accept myself."

  4. Tap repeatedly on the edge of your palm, below your little finger.

    While you tap, say your statement out loud 3 times.

  5. Now tap on the rest of the points on your body, one at a time.

    While you tap, state your issue over and over. For example, you might repeat "anxious about test" or "we broke up." Tap on each point in this order.

    1. Tap on the top, center of your head.
    2. Tap on the inside edge of one eyebrow.
    3. Tap next to the outside edge of one eye.
    4. Tap on the bone underneath one eye.
    5. Tap between your nose and your upper lip.
    6. Tap between your lower lip and your chin.
    7. Tap beneath one collarbone (find the notch beneath the inside edge of the collarbone).
    8. Tap under one armpit (about 4 inches below the armpit).
  6. Stop and remeasure how you feel about your issue.
  7. Repeat the steps if needed.