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First, why do we need to shield? 

We need to shield because we are made of energy. and easily affected by all different frequencies, positive and negative.

It is common practice for practitioners such as energy healings, reiki masters, massage therapists and anyone working closely with people, to shield themselves from unwanted energies.

Now what happens if we do not shield? 

A sign of not shielding is feeling drained throughout the day.
Imagine you’re traveling on a bus and there are several people who are not of the same vibration as you.
They will unknowingly pull energy from you.  You will feel drained or tired or even have body aches throughout the day.

You see, energy tends to flows from a higher to a lower level.  If you are feeling happy and in flow, in other words at a higher frequency level, your energy will start flowing from you to surrounding lower vibrations, to try to lift those vibrations, and in the process, drain you.

You can of course, use your intention and put your shield up, and keep your energy intact - and not allow it to flow to others.  (You can also intend it to flow to others to lift them, but then intend on your energy to stay elevated - its all in awareness and intention)

What happens when you’re shielded? 

Your aura stays intact and repels negative thoughts and energy. Your shield even keeps your own thoughts positive. As we go about our day, our shield starts weakening. That’s because you are interacting with many people (and your own thoughts) during the day.

Even if you’re talking over the phone, texting or on Zoom, you can unknowingly  give away your energy.
Shielding and asking for protection is important.

Keep your energy high!

Ways to shield 

Before you get out of bed in the morning ask a higher power to shield you throughout the day. Simply affirm 3 times “Please shield me from negative  energies throughout the day.”

Additionally, shield your loved ones, your home and your vehicle the same way.  It is intention that matters.

You can visualize your “pre-created” shield around you.  Using the colors purple and white in your visualized shield are powerful shielding colors.

If in the middle of the day you are feeling drained, repeat this:

“Shields up and send negative energies back to where they belong”