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Why reset your Governing Meridian?

The Governing Meridian, in the world of traditional Chinese medicine, is like the captain of a ship, making sure everything on board runs smoothly.

Here’s what this captain takes care of:

  1. Your Spine and Back: Just like the backbone of the ship, the Governing Meridian helps keep your spine and back strong and healthy. It's like making sure the ship's structure is sturdy and in good shape.

  2. Nervous System: This is like the ship's control system. The Governing Meridian helps manage how you feel and respond to things, kind of like how the captain uses the control panel to steer the ship.

  3. Energy Levels: It's responsible for your overall energy, similar to how a captain ensures that the ship has enough power to sail smoothly.

  4. Balance and Coordination: Just as a captain keeps the ship balanced in the water, the Governing Meridian helps with your physical balance and coordination.

  5. Mental and Emotional Health: It also plays a role in how you think and feel, like a captain making sure everyone on the ship is happy and at ease.

In a nutshell, the Governing Meridian is like the captain of your body's ship, making sure everything from your back to your brain is sailing smoothly!  

The Conception Meridian is like a super important controller for many things in your body. Like the governing meridian, it controls some pretty major part of your well being:

  1. Your digestive system

  2. Breathing

  3. Reproductive Health

  4. Overall Energy and Emotion Balance: 

The combined resetting of the governing and conception meridians is powerful and not to be taken for granted!